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A child is being in play and find the butterfly pupa disebuah a low tree limb.
Diamatinya cocoon and appears to have little holes in there.
He was stupefied the small hole is visible because there is a butterfly that are struggling to liberate themselves out through the hole.
Then look butterfly was trying to stop, he appeared already tried semampunya and appear futile to exit through a small hole diujung kepompongnya.
Viewing events that the child be compassionate and take decisions to help the butterfly to get out of kepompongnya.
He take the scissors, and opened the cocoon body guntingnya so the butterfly can come out with free and unimpeded.
Once the cocoon opens, swing was out easily.
However, he still has a swollen body and small, wing-wings still look wrinkled.
Children itupun start mengamatinya more carefully while hoping butterfly wings are growing so that it can bring butterfly before flying to the tiny flowers that have ditaman.
Hope hope to live, what-awaited wait kunjung the child does not arrive.
Butterfly is forced to spend the rest of his life crawling around with a swollen body and wings are still contract and do not go perfectly.
Butterfly was never able to finally fly.
That is not understandable from the good and the child is ketergesaan that prevent the cocoon and the struggle required for the butterfly through a small hole HOW the LORD is to force fluid from the butterfly-wing into the wings so that he will be ready to fly so he gain freedom from the cocoon.
"Life is a struggle.
Life is HARD WORK,
even necessary to achieve success and sweat AIR MATA ".
Struggle is that sometimes we need in our lives.
If God let us live with a barrier, it may even kill us.
We may not be as strong as we can, which should have been.
We may never be able to fly.
There is no IM,
All through the process already in life.
Each runner has passed the life of the meaning that will give exceptional
for someone to go through the life of the next runner.
Experiences like grief and art will provide distinctive coloring in our lives that this moment.
A child is being in play and find the butterfly pupa disebuah a low tree limb.
Diamatinya cocoon and appears to have little holes in there.
He was stupefied the small hole is visible because there is a butterfly that are struggling to liberate themselves out through the hole.
Then look butterfly was trying to stop, he appeared already tried semampunya and appear futile to exit through a small hole diujung kepompongnya.
Viewing events that the child be compassionate and take decisions to help the butterfly to get out of kepompongnya.
He take the scissors, and opened the cocoon body guntingnya so the butterfly can come out with free and unimpeded.
Once the cocoon opens, swing was out easily.
However, he still has a swollen body and small, wing-wings still look wrinkled.
Children itupun start mengamatinya more carefully while hoping butterfly wings are growing so that it can bring butterfly before flying to the tiny flowers that have ditaman.
Hope hope to live, what-awaited wait kunjung the child does not arrive.
Butterfly is forced to spend the rest of his life crawling around with a swollen body and wings are still contract and do not go perfectly.
Butterfly was never able to finally fly.
That is not understandable from the good and the child is ketergesaan that prevent the cocoon and the struggle required for the butterfly through a small hole HOW the LORD is to force fluid from the butterfly-wing into the wings so that he will be ready to fly so he gain freedom from the cocoon.
"Life is a struggle.
Life is HARD WORK,
even necessary to achieve success and sweat AIR MATA ".
Struggle is that sometimes we need in our lives.
If God let us live with a barrier, it may even kill us.
We may not be as strong as we can, which should have been.
We may never be able to fly.
There is no IM,
All through the process already in life.
Each runner has passed the life of the meaning that will give exceptional
for someone to go through the life of the next runner.
Experiences like grief and art will provide distinctive coloring in our lives that this moment.
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