Said first mouse, "I I, never afraid of ratcatcher. In fact, deliberately I approach the trap, and trap so it will entice me, I avoid direct. Yaaaah ... always, fill spare time. "
Second mouse does not want to lose. "If I, a rat poison already drink so my day-to-day. It is like white water course, "he said did not want to lose.
Rat third halt, and then suddenly he rose and went. "Hey, wait. You want to go screaming ?!!", other two mice.
While turn, a third mouse said, "I have a date with a cat!"
Second mouse does not want to lose. "If I, a rat poison already drink so my day-to-day. It is like white water course, "he said did not want to lose.
Rat third halt, and then suddenly he rose and went. "Hey, wait. You want to go screaming ?!!", other two mice.
While turn, a third mouse said, "I have a date with a cat!"
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