Coordinator Division of Law and Violations Bawaslu, Wirdianingsih, in Jakarta on Monday, said, allegations of the receipt of funds from the campaign made foreign pair Megawati Sukarnoputri Prabowo Subianto-number (one series) and the pair Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono (SBY) Boediono-number (series two) .
According Wirdianingsih, Megawati, Prabowo couple suspected of receiving funds from the PT Kiani Kertas, which shares ownership of the company is occupied by foreign parties.
Nevertheless, Bawaslu does not mention in detail how the value of donated campaign funds given to the company to Megawati, Prabowo pair.
In addition, Megawati, Prabowo pair also allegedly have received campaign contributions from the contributor of funds that does not include the identity of a clear (no address), does not include Tax Obligation Main Number (NPWP) and include NPWP that his name not on the (two cases).
Meanwhile, the pair of SBY-Boediono suspected criminal violations to the election form to receive donations from foreign parties namely PT Bank's National Retirement Savings Accounts (BTPN) worth Rp3 billion.
In this case, there are two parties that made terlapor, that is, the pair of SBY-Boediono terlapor as one and two, namely terlapor Hatta Radjasa Thohir and Garibaldi, served as both chairman and treasurer of the campaign team of SBY-Boediono.
Based on the study Bawaslu, made allegations of terlapor one and two can not be forwarded to the police investigators, as they no longer qualify as formal allegations of criminal elections.
Bawaslu reasoned, the provision of a copy of a delay Reports Revenues and Use of Campaign Funds (LPPDK) SBY-Boediono pair of KPU can not be triggered ditindaklanjutinya this case as the allegations of criminal election.
"Because of the time handling criminal election offenses as stipulated in Law No. 42 year 2008 can not be met then a criminal violation is suspected terlapor made and the two become one expired," said Wirdianingsih.
However, Bawaslu rate terlapor one and two terlapor not automatically be exempt from the act because they are evidence that strengthen the allegations of the act have received contributions from a foreign party is a violation of the election.
"Pembiaran alleged violations of the election would damage the integrity of the process and results of the election that will ultimately result mendelegitimasi the election itself," said Wirdianingsih.
Accordingly, Bawaslu ask the KPU to request administrative responsibility of couples Boediono SBY-up act to receive a donation of funds from the campaign foreign.
KPU, said Bawaslu, at least have to ask the pair of SBY-Boediono to make donations of Rp3 billion from PT BTPN to the treasury.
Bawaslu also found that administrative offenses do Boediono SBY-pair form of campaign funds to receive donations that came from it that does not include the identity of a clear (no address), and does not include the value of NPWP of Rp20 million or more.
While the allegations of the pair Jusuf Kalla (JK) Wiranto-number (series three) that is receiving campaign contributions from the contributor of funds that does not include a clear identity, not to include NPWP, and include not NPWP the top name (six cases).
Wirdianingsih said, the campaign treasurer team-JK Wiranto, Solihin Kalla has openly admitted this.
Bawaslu violation rate made pair Wiranto-JK administration is a violation and the responsibility of the candidates are.
Violation of the provisions do not include NPWP that contribute to the contributor of Rp20 million or more is the authority shall be submitted to the KPU for the Directorate General of Taxes to be completed.
Follow-up of various administrative violations committed by the three-pair Capres cawapres will be forwarded to the KPU.
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